Saint Patrick's Day is that day of the year when you will get pinched by anyone if you are not wearing green. As for me I usually end up forgetting to wear green and by the end of the day I will have been pinched 100 times. This year I am determined to wear green to avoid this fate. I have created some outfits using Polyvore that incorporate different shades of green. There are 3 different outfits that can be used as inspiration for your own Saint Patrick's Day outfits.

This outfit is good if you are going to school, relaxing outside if you are on spring break, or going to the movies.
 This outfit is great if you are going out for a night on the town. Whether you are going to dinner or dancing in the heart of the Saint Patrick's Day Parades in New Orleans, you can not go wrong with this cute outfit!

Since Saint Patrick's Day does fall on a Friday this year then a lot of people will be at work. Just because you are at work does not mean you will not get pinched ;). This outfit looks professional and still contains green to keep people away from you!

I hope you liked these outfits I created with Polyvore and have a good, but safe Saint Patrick's Day!
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Disclaimer: Links to each Polyvore set is listed below and the links to the items in the set can be found there if you want to purchase any of these items. I am not affiliated with any of these companies.
Outfit #1:
Outfit #2:
Outfit #3:
